Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My first attempt at the GREEN MONSTER!

Green Monster talk in a second, first last nights dessert.

I left you wondering how my jello ricotta dessert concoction would taste.  The verdit: meehhh... I'd give it a B-.  It was definitely better than my PB/Ricotta/Pudding concotion, but I am still getting used to the grainy texture of the ricotta cheese.  Hopefully my palette warms up to it quick!

I confessed my sin to you last night:  I didn't get my workout in on Tuesday.  The good news with P90X is, its a 6 day/ week program, so since I skipped my Tuesday workout I am just going to shift all my workouts over one day (i.e. instead of working out M-Sa, I'll do M, rest Tu, W-Su).  Ya dig?  Again this morning I didn't want to get out of my cozy cozy bed, but I knew I needed to get my endorphins flowing.  I quickly changed and started grooving to CardioX.  I;m sure glad I did!  I LOVE the feeling I get after each and every workout, and today was no different!  The added bonus is knowing I can check my workout off my to-do list first thing in the AM. 

So far the biggest struggle for me on this intese 2-week phase of SBD is breakfast.  I usually crave fruit or some major carbs after my workout and I am currently not allowed to have either.  I wasn't feeling eggs so I got my mental wheels turning on some other options.  I settled on creating my own verion of the Green Monster smoothie!  If you haven't heard of this, its basically a smoothie with tons 'o spinach but isn't supposed to taste like spinach at all.  Generally the recipe calls for protein powder, a banana, and some alomnd milk.  Since I was allowed any of those items I made my own version.  Into my blender went:

- Cottage Cheese (about 1 1/2 cups)
- A little 1% milk
- Tbs. Cocoa Powder
- Two Trevia packets (I started with one but after my first taste realized I needed another)
- Mocha Via instant coffee (which I have since learned has REAL sugar in it!  Ugh...)
- two big handfuls of spinach
- Ice cubes for thickening

Adding the Nutrients
Ready to indulge in my not-so-visually appealing Green Monster!
It wasn't as amazing as I was hoping, but it wasn't too disappointing either.  I'm not a huge fan of chocolate (but that does NOT translate to me not liking sweets...give me a barrel of sour patch kids or starburst any day!) but since that was all I had to make this taste a bit "sweeter" I threw it in.  The real bummer though is that I have been trying so hard to stick to the whole "no fruit, sugar or carbs thing" and unbeknownst to me, I added 11g into this shake via the instant coffee packet (pun inteneded :)).  I thought I was safe adding this since the un-flavored version is sugar free, but apprently thats not the case with the mocha guy.  Oh well, lession learned. 

I drank the whole thing, but I think I'll wait until phase two when I can add back in some fruit and carbs before I make this again.  Hopefully the protein powder will help it stick to my ribs a bit better, I'm already starrrving.  Off to enjoy my yogurt cup!

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