Monday, March 28, 2011

Made it through day Uno!

Still in the Mexican spirit after my Mazatlan vacation last week :)

I've made it through day one...well there are still a couple more hours, but I'm just about to dive into dessert and retire for the night.

I had a good first day back at work, but it was busy so I was very thankful that I had planned my lunch and snacks last night.  Otherwise, I would have been tempted to head down to the cafeteria and pick up the easiest (and not necessarily healthiest) thing.

For my morning snack I enjoyed some Fage Greek yogurt (I LOVE!) mixed with a dash of vanilla extract and a packet of splenda.  I topped it with slivered almonds... YUMMY!  This is one of my favorite snacks of all time - its sweet but packs a good protein punch! I enjoyed it alongside a cup of vanilla carmel tea.

Next up was lunch.  I was super excited to eat my lunch today because I have read all about using spaghetti squash as noodles on Julie's blog (also highly recommend!).  It certainly lived up to my expectations.  I prepped the squash last night by cutting it and then baking it face down on a cookie sheet at 375 for 40 minutes.  I then scooped out the seeds and forked out my "noodles".  I topped it with sauteed broccoli, spinach and mushrooms then added marinara, goat cheese and a heaping spoonful of ricotta.  This meal definitely hit the spot and filled me up, but of course I had to have some sweets. I finished my meal with a Jello cup.  Perfect!


Since my lunch was lacking a bit of protein I was hungry not too long after, so I learned my first SBD lesson: fiber keeps you regular but protein keeps you full.  I'll make sure to have protein at all my main meals going forward.  For my afternoon snack I packed sliced red peppers, sugar snap peas and broccoli stems... all of which I dipped into my roasted red pepper hummus.

By the time I left work I was hungry again, and craving some carbs and sweets.  Luckily my honey used to be a chef and whipped us up some turkey burgers with roasted cauliflower and onions.  I placed my burger over a bed of spinach and tomatoes and topped it off with avocado and spicy hot mustard.  I'm happy to report that I didn't miss the bun :)  The burger was so juicy and the mustard was so sweet/spicy that I enjoyed every last bite!

Burger and grilled onions cookin' away
Veggies roastin' in the oven
the YUMMY finished product!

Now finally I am off to enjoy my ricotta/peanut butter/and chocolate pudding dessert :)

Ready to tackle day 2!!!  See ya in the morning!

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