Friday, April 1, 2011

Oopsie Poopsie

I'd like to title this post Oopsie Poopsie because I had a bit of an oopsie poopsie day in diet land yesterday.  It started off well enough: a workout, a veggie scramble, a fantastic lunch and eggs for a snack....then things went south.  I started craving something sweet.  I tried crystal light, I tried a piece of fruity gum, both to no avail.  I needed something better.  I know of a very convenient yet evil candy drawer in my coworkers office. I picked up a mini pack of peanut M&Ms and a fun size Snickers.  That curbed the sweet tooth, and I didn't even feel guilty afterward.  I mean, the whole reason I want to do this diet isn't to lose weight, its to become healthy.  Part of being healthy to me includes happiness and the amount of pleasure I get from enjoying little treats now and then is definitely worth the extra calories. 

Having said that, the derailing of the diet didn't stop there.  Some girlfriends at work and myself were getting ready to pull off the BEST April Fools Day prank in history but we had to wait for everyone to leave work before we could undertake the task.  They threw out the option of going to sushi and who I am to turn down my favorite meal ever.  I went with the best intentions.  I was planning on getting some miso soup, edamame and sashimi.  That didn't work out.  I am a sucker for sushi and especially eel.  So I indulged in my favorite treat: sushi rolls!
Eel sushi roll!
I have come to the realization that since I am not "dieting" to lost weight I can eat things that make me happy and are nutritious.  I am just going to be more aware of what I put in my mouth and the impact it has on my body.  For instance, this white rice in this roll gives my body the same reaction as if I had eaten straight sugar.  I know its not good for me and causes my insulin levels to spike, but I also know since I ate it with edamame and avocados and fish that the general glycemic index level for this meal was lower than if I had eaten the white rice alone.  This saved my body from crashing too hard and I had a delicious meal to boot!

The fuel was just what I needed to undertake the best prank I've ever pulled, which took some serious attention to detail for about 3 1/2 hours.  The finished product was worth every minute!  Myself, along with two other girls decided to post-it note our managers office.  And not just a post-it or two... We used over 8200 :)
only half of the finished product last night
The whole office was abuzz about it this morning.  We were secretly giggling amongst ourselves :)
Some peeps checking out the work

Our manager posing amongst the madness!
So far, this day is off to a very good start!!

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